Archive for the ‘FCC – Federal Communications Commission’ Category

Nielsen’s New Total Audience Report: If You Think TV Is Dead, Maybe You’re Measuring the Audience Wrong

June 23, 2015

The TV world may love to hate Nielsen, but now the measurement giant is arming media companies with a new report that could aid their fight against digital rivals.

Nielsen sign

The message of Nielsen’s new Total Audience Report: comparing online video views with the audience of a TV program is an apples-and-oranges endeavor.

“It may seem that tens of millions of video views is a much bigger number than a few million persons in the audience of a TV program, but the TV number is expressing viewers in the average minute of the program,” Glenn Enoch, senior vice president of audience insights at Nielsen, writes in the quarterly report. Read more

IMPORTANT:  The preceding blog post is shared from The Wall Street Journal.  The report comes weeks after both TV networks and digital competitors made presentations to advertisers at the upfronts and NewFronts in the hopes of securing ad contracts.

Peace and coconuts,

Marianne Schwab, Executive Producer, CMP Media Cafe

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FCC Set to Drop Ban on F-word, Nudity on TV & Radio Stations Nationwide

April 9, 2013

Television-Red-F-WordThe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) governs a lot of what we see on TV and hear on the radio.  It’s been a good thing for the most part.  But did you know that the FCC is set to drop its ban on the f-word and nudity on television? It also  includes radio stations nationwide.

The FCC announced it is considering dropping current broadcast decency standards that ban explicit profanity and “non-sexual” nudity according to a recent press release.  This is not about the First Amendment but may be more about convenience.  They’re tired of all the complaints.

Parents and grandparents should be very concerned about this since if enacted, the new FCC policy would allow network television and local radio stations to air the f-word, the s-word and to allow programs to show frontal female nudity, even during hours when they know children will be watching and listening.

The FCC is accepting comments on the proposal from the viewing public until the end of April.  Find out more about how you can weigh on this hot topic at the American Family Association and let the FCC know your thoughts on lifting bans of this nature.

Peace and coconuts,

Marianne Schwab, Executive Producer, CMP Media Cafe

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