Archive for the ‘Radio Media Tours’ Category

Digital Media Tours Are a Quick and Easy Way to Reach Your Audience on a Budget

April 21, 2016

You may not have heard about digital media tours, or DMTs, but they are the latest broadcast public relations tool we’ve designed at CMP Media Cafe to help you get substantial media exposure in television, radio and digital online programs. Nothing tells your story like television since it ultimately delivers your video message across multiple digital and social media platforms. Online links to interviews are easy to share on Facebook, Twitter and Instragram shout outs, plus they are often the subject of blog posts and other digital media generating massive exposure and awareness of your message.

DMTs take the satellite media tour, or SMT, generic presentation concept and digitally deliver a pre-recorded two-minute TV segment featuring your book, product, or service directly to meaningful TV markets and radio stations to reach a broadcast audience of over 10 million consumers.

Chef Kirk Leins

How it Works. The DMT package includes complete production and digital distribution of a two-minute TV segment and :60 second audio news release plus a spokesperson interview on a nationally syndicated radio program. The TV segment airs on two national TV programs, Coffee with America and NewsWatch, and five or more local TV lifestyle programs that are strategic for your target markets. The audio news release, ANR, is digitally distributed to local radio stations across the country and we book the spokesperson on Ron Seggi Today, a national radio program syndicated on CRN, USA Radio, and the Armed Forces Network. The audience reach results total over ten million consumer impressions for your DMT package.

Determine if a DMT is a Good Fit. First, we’ll ask you questions about your product and campaign objectives to determine if a DMT is a good fit for your media outreach.

Decide on Local Target Market List. We’ll review TV target markets available that compliment your national or regional product distribution and/or availability and also work with you to identify targeted radio outreach options so that your ANR reaches your ideal audience.

Develop a Story Angle. After we establish that a DMT is the best option, we work with you to develop a balanced story angle that organically positions your product or service as a solution to a problem (or other newsworthy hook).

Write the TV Segment Script. Our Executive Producer, a former network producer who has scripted hundreds of segments for television and radio, will craft and write a two-minute script that seamlessly hits the high notes of your priority message while providing a structure that organically weaves your product into the story angle.

Draft an ANR Script. Based on the TV script, we’ll draft a :60 second audio news release that pulls the most important messaging from your story to deliver to radio listeners across the country.

Identify a Spokesperson. Your DMT spokesperson can be a media savvy lifestyle personality, authority on the topic of your story angle, expert in your industry, or a person who has had a personal experience with the product. If you don’t have a spokesperson, we can provide one of our lifestyle experts if they are a good fit for your message.

Range of Fees. The fees for Digital Media Tours vary based on the type of production and distribution package that works best for your project and whether or not you provide a spokesperson. With our lifestyle expert as your talent, DMTs typically start at $13,500 with a guaranteed audience reach of 10 million impressions and include an Audio News Release (that alone will cost $6,500) and TV production, National TV distribution is included.  DMTs are an exceptionally good value when you compare them to other broadcast public relation tools:

  • Satellite Media Tours (includes 18-22 TV and radio interviews; ranges $18K to $24K*)
  • Co-Op SMTs (your product shares spotlight with three to four other products: ranges $10K to $15K depending on quality of spokesperson and quality of markets guaranteed)
  • Radio Media Tours (include 18-22 radio interviews; range $5K to $9K*)
  • Audio News Releases (Production and distribution range $6K to $12K based on distribution strategy)
  • In-Market Tours (Five to 10 TV Markets, range $10K to $25K based on number of markets and travel expenses*).

*Does Not Included Spokesperson Fees (or Media Training Fees for Spokesperson)

Budget Options: If radio is not a priority for your campaign, then we can exclude the radio outreach option from your DMT to trim your budget (keeping in mind that it will also trim your audience reach dramatically).

The media landscape has evolved dramatically in the last few years and digital media tours are a perfect option for products or services that may not be candidates for SMTs or Co-Op SMTs due to regional availability or a more limited budget.

Feel free to contact us for a free consultation to determine if a digital media tour is right for your broadcast media outreach and also ask about our Premium Targeted Top-Tier Market DMTs. Contact us at 213-986-8070 for more information.

Peace and coconuts,

Marianne Schwab, Executive Producer, CMP Media Cafe

Follow us on Twitter:  @CMP_MediaCafe

Why Radio Still Sizzles and Radio Media Tours Are Your Ticket to Reach Listeners with Your Message

March 1, 2016

Radio is certainly not dead as a broadcast public relations tool and Radio Media Tours, or RMTs, are an effective way to get your message out to radio listeners stuck in the morning or evening commute and times in between..  RMTs work similar to Satellite Media Tours with a series of pre-booked interviews targeting top market radio stations and their morning drive time talk format programs.

How RMTs Work.  Approximately 12-30 back-to-back radio interviews are typically scheduled during an early morning three-to-four hour window of time determined by the spokesperson’s availability and the number of station interviews that are booked for the tour. A radio media tour have more flexibility than a satellite media tour since the talent doesn’t have to be in a studio to be interviewed in order to reach a radio audience across the country. The spokesperson does need access to a landline telephone since  a mobile phone signal (and quality of the transmission) can be unreliable.  It is also not uncommon for the talent to do interviews from their home or a hotel if they have a busy schedule so they can be more logistically convenient,

Start with a Great Media Angle or High Profile Spokesperson.  Radio producers want a great story and a great guest so you’ll need both to book RMT interviews. Also, in today’s sensitive sponsorship environment, the client sponsoring the segment should make sure that they provide a a balance of information or entertainment with their message for a successful radio media tour so that it doesn’t seem overly commercial. From the radio station’s point of view, if you want a commercial, you should buy an ad spot.  Promotional giveaways to the stations can  be easily arranged and promotional materials are sent to radio stations before the RMT so they can be posted on the station’s website.

The Spokesperson Can Make or Break RMT Success. A radio media tour can involve a celebrity spokesperson or appropriate industry expert for your topic to promote your product, event, book, and more.. The spokesperson should be either a nationally recognized personality, an authority on the topic or expert in the industry, or a person who has had a personal experience with the product or service you’re promoting, and, finally, who has media “bookability” and experience. 

CMP Media Cafe Radio Media Tours (RMTs) Include the development of best pitch angle for your RMT, writing of media alerts, customizing media alert for local markets (where appropriate),radio station booking by our Media Relations Department, recording of RMT interviews, telephone follow-up with stations to confirm airings, usage/monitoring reports. Contact us at 213-986-8070 for more information on how to make your RMT a success.

Peace and coconuts,

Marianne Schwab, Executive Producer, CMP Media Cafe

Follow us on Twitter:  @CMP_MediaCafe